The book, “GODLY STRONG: Love Like a Man,” is a book, workbook, and expanded devotional all roled up into one!

You will find teachings with Greek and Hebrew word breakdowns, challenge questions to help husband’s grow, and “The Godly Strong Challenge” that will often bless the wife!

Two years in the making, the book was released July 2023 and includes practical topics as well as a breakdown of the husband’s role in Ephesians 5. and if you are curious, yes, much intimacy – all types – are discussed!

Pick up your copy for a donation by filling out the order form below! No credit card required to order. Once you hit “ORDER” in the order form, you will be sent to the donation page where you can donate if you so choose!

Front Cover with GODLY STRONG at the top, and Love Like a Man as the subtitle with many marriage scriptures in the background.