The Blood Wall Ministries, Inc.

John is the visionary behind the 501(C)(3) organization, “The Blood Wall Ministries, Inc.” Explore the diverse world of our ministries under The Blood Wall umbrella, including Marital Monkey, Godly Strong, and The Blind Fury. All services by The Blood Wall ministries operate primarily on a donation basis, encompassing everything from the books on this site to speaking engagements and professional coaching services for marriages and husbands.

Considering our commitment to accessibility for all financial status’, we invite you to become a ministry partner to support the various services provided under The Blood Wall. All contributions are eligible for tax deductions, and our donors play a crucial role in enabling us to make resources available to those who may not otherwise afford them. Your support is key to our mission, and we appreciate the difference it makes in the lives of many.

Marital Monkey logo - click here to enter official site
Marriage coaching, premarital counseling, free workshops, Marital Monkey Night of Comedy
Husband mentoring and development, The Godly Strong podcast, and the expanded devotional for husbands, "GODLY STRONG: Love Like a Man"