Hebrews 13:4

Marital Monkey

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"Get those Marital Monkeys off your back!”

Picture of bananas

When John became a widower in 2017, he thought it would be a good idea to mention “cherishing your spouse” at his speaking engagements. Then, he met Tonya. After hearing her story, he began studying scripture regarding relationships and specifically, marriage. John began to realize God was calling him to more than just a “casual mention” at a speaking engagement

A podcast and possible YouTube Channel was the idea in its original form. But God still had more for John to do and that is when he started to press toward couples ministry. That is when Marital Monkey was born. Of course, with John, there is always a humorous twist!


Since its birth with the help of his wife in April 2019, Marital Monkey has continued to grow as John and Tonya received their CPC, CRC, and CBEC credentials. John continued in his training and now also holds the MCC, CMRC, CGC, and CLC credentials.


Additionally, John hosts “Marital Monkey Mondays,” a workshop about relationships that is interactive.

Then, in 2021, God opened the door for John and Tonya to host “Marital Monkey Mania,” a radio talk show where John and Tonya answers questions as well as some other fun and crazy segments!

You can catch the show on 107.9 FM, WEMM in Huntington, WV and if you are not in the area, you can listen live by clicking on the link below. The show is every Friday at 2:30 PM eastern.

Furthermore, Along with John’s inspirational speaking, he can also speak at marriage conferences and men’s conferences to challenge men in their marriage to be who God called them to be. He loves challenging men to be “Godly Strong!”™


Visit the Marital Monkey Official Website for more information! 

Join John on Marital Monkey Mondays!

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Meeting ID: 791 1010 4540
Passcode: 3W4Y5Y


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Every Friday, 2:30 PM eastern on 107.9 FM, WEMM